Monday, 18 February 2013

Distributing Our Film

Distribution defined: 

- The action of sharing something out among a number of recipients.
- The way in which something is shared out among a group or spread over an area.

In our case, it is the sharing and advertising of our film.

Our Film Pitch:

This is our film pitch in which we had to present to our class, who are acting as part of a large prestigious production company. Our job was to persuade the company to fund our film. 
How would distribute and fund our film?
In the real world we would promote our film to Working Title in the hope they would fund and help produce our film. Working Title Films is a British film production company, based in London. The company was founded by Tim Bevan and Sarah Radclyffe in 1983. It produces feature films and several television productions.Although contractually allowed to produce any film with a budget of up to $35 million, on a practical basis, Bevan and Fellner consult with studio executive at Working Title's parent company (NBC)Universal. Working Title funded simular films to ours such as Daun of the Dead, Shaun of the Dead, The Interpreter, A Kiss Before Dying, Long Time Dead, and My Little Eye.

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